Account Management > Tips on building your organizational structure

Tips on building your organizational structure

Building the organization is one of the most important steps in being successful. Before you begin creating your organization think about these questions:

  1. How does your reporting structure look like right now?
  2. What different departments are involved and how do they interact within your organization?
  3. Where and How do you want to use the different roles? Do you need additional roles that do not fit the standard roles?
  4. How does training, coaching and quality work within your current structure?

These will allow you to think of how you want to set up your organization structure and also your roles and permissions.


  • Plan
    • This structure of your organization is one of the first and most important steps in setting up FiveLumens successfully. Take time to think about the questions above before you start. Making changes after implementation can cause lots of headaches.
  • Structure
    • Groups: Groups are the highest level of the organizational structure, but all other levels are managed as teams. A FiveLumens account initially has just one default Group. However, you can add more, so several groups can coexist within a single account. A “group” can represent a different location, affiliate or department within your organization. Each group can have its own administration (Group Admin, Team Leader, Team Admin, Quality Analyst and Trainers) and Agents.
    • Teams: Teams are how you can manage the rest of the structure. Below you will find a few examples of how to use Teams.
    • Limit: There is no limit to the number of groups or teams you have in your account.
  • Roles and Permissions
    • FiveLumens comes with standard roles and permissions. If these do not match your needs, you can create custom roles. Make sure you understand each role and the associated permissions and assign Users accordingly.
  • Assignments
    • You can assign trainings, coaching forms and quality forms based upon the Group or Team. Remember by assigning it to a Group this covers all Teams in that Group. By assigning it to a Team this covers that Team and all Sub-Teams.

Example 1 – Company

In this organizational structure we have a company that has multiple departments. Within those departments there are different shifts and different teams.

Example 2 – Locations or Accounts

In this organizational structure we have a company with multiple locations or a BPO that has multiple accounts. Even though training might be similar, by breaking them out into different groups and teams you can customize training, coaching and quality based upon the different needs.