Account Management > Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions

A FiveLumens account has eight user roles:

  • Account Owner
  • Global Admin
  • Group Admin
  • Team Leader
  • Team Admin
  • Quality Analyst
  • Trainer
  • Agent

A FiveLumens account initially has just one default Group. However, you can add more, so several groups can coexist within a single account. A “group” can represent a different location, affiliate or department within your organization. Each group can have its own administration (Group Admin, Team Leader, Team Admin, Quality Analyst and Trainers) and Agents.

Each role allows users to perform a set of tasks called permissions. Below are the permissions for each role.

Account Owner

The account owner, by default, is the user that created the FiveLumens account.


  • The Account Owner has full permissions to account settings, billing, groups, teams, users and all products and reporting for their FiveLumens account.

Note: When creating a FiveLumens account or creating any additional users, choose and enter the email address correctly because it will be problematic to change it in the future and will require contacting your account manager for assistance. All other account and product settings can be changed on your own.

Global Admin

Global Admins help Account Owners manage the FiveLumens system.


  • Global Admins have the same set of permissions as Account Owners, but do not have access to billing and cannot change or cancel their FiveLumens account.
  • Also, Global Admins cannot change the access level of an Account Owner or change their role to Account Owner.

Group Admin

Group Admins only have full permissions to teams, users, and all FiveLumen products to their assigned groups.

  • Group Admins can view, create, edit and delete users and teams for their assigned groups.
  • Group Admins can view, create, and manage content for both eLearning (courses, learning paths, and course library) and Face-to-Face (classroom and remote) trainings for their assigned groups.
  • Groups Admins can view, create, and manage content for the knowledge base for their assigned groups.
  • Groups Admins can view, edit, and complete both coaching and QA evaluations, including scorecards, for their assigned groups.
  • Group Admins can view, create, and manage group and individual audits for their assigned groups.
  • Group Admins can also track and generate reporting for all products within FiveLumens for their assigned groups.
  • Group Admins do not have access to account settings or billing for their account.
  • Group Admins cannot change their role or the role for any Account Owner, Global Admin, or Group Admin. They also cannot promote users within their group to the Group Admin role, only to Team Leader or Team Admin roles.

Team Leader/Team Admin

Team Leaders/Team Admins have limited permissions for their assigned team and sub-teams. Team Leaders/Team Admins also have limited permission for FiveLumen products for their assigned team and sub-teams. If specified, Team Leaders/Team Admins can be granted additional permissions for their assigned team and sub-teams.

Note: Even though a user may have the Team Leader/Team Admin role, they will only be able to use the permissions when they are assigned as a Team Leader/Team Admin to a particular team.

  • Team Leaders/Team Admins have full control over users and teams, except for creating and deleting users and creating and deleting teams, for their assigned team and sub-teams. If given permission, they can also create and delete both users and teams for their assigned team and sub-teams.
  • Team Leaders/Team Admins, if given permission, can create and manage content for both eLearning (courses and learning paths) and Face-to-Face (classroom and remote) trainings for their assigned teams and sub-teams.
  • Team Leaders/Team Admins, if given permission, can view, edit, and complete both coaching and coaching evaluations for their assigned teams and sub-teams.
  • Team Leaders/Team Admins can also track and generate reporting for all products within FiveLumens for their assigned teams and sub-teams.
  • Team Leaders cannot change their role or the role for any Account Owner, Global Admin, Group Admin, Quality Analyst or Trainer. They also cannot promote users within their assigned team and sub-teams to Team Leader or Team Admin, unless given specific permission.
  • Team Leaders do not have access to account settings or billing for their account.

Quality Analyst

Quality Analysts are responsible for using scorecards to complete Quality Assurance (QA) evaluations. Quality Analysts have permissions for completing both internal audits and QA evaluations for their assigned groups.

Note: QA Evaluations are tracked different than coaching evaluations completed by any role other than the Quality Analyst. QA evaluations results are used for tracking adherence for quality assurance purposes. All other coaching evaluation results are for coaching and training purposed only.


  • Quality Analysts can view, create, and manage group and individual audits for their assigned groups.
  • Quality Analysts can also view, create, and manage QA evaluations, but not scorecards for their assigned groups.
  • Quality Analysts can generate reporting for group and individual audits, QA evaluations, and scorecard results for their assigned groups.


Trainers are responsible for new hire and recurring training throughout the organization. Trainers have permissions for creating and managing training content for their assigned groups


  • Trainers can view, create, and manage content for both eLearning (courses, learning paths, and course library) and Face-to-Face (classroom and remote) trainings for their assigned groups.
  • Trainers can view, create, and manage content for the knowledge base for their assigned groups.
  • Trainers can view and complete coaching evaluations for training and coaching purposes for the assigned groups.
  • Trainers can also track and generate reporting for all coaching evaluations and all courses, learning paths, classroom and remote training session results for their assigned groups.


By default, all agents that are added to your FiveLumens account have “Agent” permissions. Agents have permissions for themselves only.


  • Agent have access to all quality evaluations, coaching, and trainings assigned to them.
  • Agents also have access to the knowledge base and all courses available in the Course Library.
  • Agents can only view their results and not those of other users within the organization.