There are three different types of scoring methods: non-numeric, selective and numeric.
For the Customer Experience section, you can choose one of these 3 scoring methods. Whichever scoring method is chosen will be applied to all scoring sections and scoring criteria. For the Compliance section, you cannot choose a scoring method. The compliance section will always be non-numeric.
The non-numeric scoring method consists of yes no questions only. The non numeric score is determined by adding the number of scoring criteria with yes compared to the total number of scoring criteria.
For instance, in the screenshot below there are five total scoring criteria. If four of the five scoring criteria were yes the score would be 80% or 4 out of 5 possible points.
The selective scoring method consists of a grading scale with 3 or 4 options. For the 3 option there are 0, 1, or 2 possible points. For the 4 option there are 0, 1, 2, or 3 possible points.
For selective, choose the perfect standard for the scoring criteria. Then choose what the in between standards would be. This method focuses on good, better, best method rather than did you do it 100% or not.
Here is an example of definitions created for the selective scoring method with 3 options.
Sometimes we like to take all the soft skills associated with a scorecard and rank them based upon our bias or experience. The numeric method allows you to assign a numeric value to each scoring criteria. Numeric scoring criteria is based upon a score of 100 points.
If you attempt to update the scorecard without the total equaling 100 points you will receive and error.
Go back and make sure the total at the bottom is equal to 100 points.
Each of these scoring methods serves a unique purpose. Determine what you are trying to accomplish with the Customer Experience and choose the scoring method that best fits.
As mentioned earlier, compliance is always the non-numeric scoring method. This is a platform standard. Why? Compliance is reserved for those issues that will hurt the company or the customer.
For instance, if an agent does not use relevant questions to understand the needs of the customer, who is hurt? The customer is not harmed and the company is not. If this bad behavior happens over time, the profitability of the contact center can hurt due to the agent bad behaviors.
If an agent were to not verify the correct hotel booking information before processing the hotel booking, who could be hurt? If that customer were going to a wedding and does not have the correct booking they will have nowhere to stay. The customer is definitely hurt.