Cut Expenses. Add Value. Do it With FiveLumens

How FiveLumens Creates Value For Your Organization.

Everything you need to operate your contact center
to its absolute maximum potential.

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FiveLumens reporting tools give call center managers a deep look into the effectiveness of their teams as a whole, or of each individual. Managers can track enrollment, development, coaching, and quality through a variety of visualized data.

Make Human Resources Cheer!

Your HR folks will love you! FiveLumens makes it so easy for human resources to view the effectiveness of the entire organization, specific groups, or even specific individuals. Our unique agent-level reports give deep insight that will help you assess how well agents are retaining crucial information taught in exams.


Use the custom course builder to build your training based on your needs for elearning, in person and webinar training. FiveLumens does the heavy lifting, and we leave the expertise to you!

Let Quality Guide Your Training

Because you are in control of your courses, and can see important data about your learners’ performance, FiveLumens makes it easy for you to create new learning modules based on exactly what your agents need to be most effective!

Be Goals Driven

FiveLumens allows users to create goals around all your learning, coaching, and quality content, to better ensure student success!


Contact centers see wonderful success using FiveLumens to help ensure quality customer engagement through effective learning. This can be assessed simply using FiveLumens unique scorecards.

Consistency is Key

By creating scorecards, a manager can ensure each agent receives a fair assessment of his or her learning and performance. These scorecards act as a basic rubric by which all agents can be assessed. Say goodbye to arbitrary assessment!

Powerful Auditing

We have made auditing simple! Find simple ways with FiveLumens to track and measure performance to any quality standard or metric!